The Right Step
Alcohol & Drug Rehab | Adult & Adolescent
The Right Step offers affordable residential & outpatient treatment for drug & alcohol addiction. Adults & adolescents. TX, NM, LA
The Right Step
235 Cora Dr
Baton Rouge LA 70815-4204
Tel: 225 490-0999; 877 627-4389
Drug and Alcohol Recovery -- Taking The Right Step
There are many reasons why people begin to abuse and become dependent upon alcohol or drugs. For those who will not or cannot stop, we only wish there was a way of preventing it from happening in the first place. But now you've come to the point where you find yourself seeking a solution. You're here because you need to find a drug treatment center or an alcohol rehab program that will make a difference, that will help you and your loved one regain the lives you once had. The Right Step can make that difference. We have treatment programs and solutions that can work for you.
We've Been Where You Are Now
In two words -- we understand. We've been in your shoes. From top-level senior management to many in the ranks of our counseling and administrative staff, we have been there and back and many of us today are living vibrant and productive lives in recovery -- personally and professionally. We know what it took to get us to this point and we share that experience with you in the most individualized way possible. When you make the decision to seek our help you become the most important person in the world to us. The Right Step can help right now -- effectively and affordably.
People often hear words like detox, rehab, treatment, relapse and read or see things on TV about people trying and failing to get control of their drug and alcohol addiction. Maybe this is something you've already gone through or are dealing with right now. The question is, how do you find a residential inpatient program or an intensive outpatient program that can truly help? How can you find a drug treatment center or substance abuse program that can do more? How do you find a drug and alcohol addiction recovery program that can provide you the support you need and expect from a drug treatment center? We believe that The Right Step is the answer to these questions and more.
